The Benefits of Learning to Speak French

What are some of the benefits of learning French? I can tell you in my country, you will have many benefits. To start off let me tell you a story. I had a dream job lined up as PR for some cool new age company downtown. Well it ended up being between myself and one other candidate,
a guy with less experience than me and 1 year younger.

I thought, okay great I am going to take this job easily, I have better credentials. Unfortunately for me, he spoke French. Yes, French. Because he spoke 2 languages to my 1, the company thought they were a better fit for them in our bilingual country.

I guess they did a lot of business in Quebec and Montreal, so I was out of luck. One of the worst parts about it is that I took French class all throughout school and high school just like every other Canadian student had to do. I forgot it all, and what I did know was never much! How could it take me 12 years to learn a language? Because the teachers sucked.

Unfortunately, a program meant to teach you to learn in 12 years is a program that is making you go slow. Lots of school programs make you slack off in the end because the curriculum is so slow. I can tell you when I was younger I was done my work early most of the time, and then I was off to do my own thing, for better or worse.

The fact is there are French courses out there that literally can teach you this beautiful language in as short as 1 week. I'd highly recommend it so you don't lose your dream job like I did.

Learning languages is a fun thing to do, and a hobby of many. If you want to learn French quickly [], put out a few dollars for a quality online course.
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