Learn Spanish Grammar Some Common Mistakes to Avoid

Spanish is fun language to learn and you can learn Spanish grammar quite easily using the information in this article as a guide. There are literally hundreds of similar words in the English and Spanish languages that make it easier on a newcomer to the Spanish language. You will however make your fair share of mistakes but don't let that deter you; everyone who learns a new language will make mistakes.

You will find plenty of sites online to help you learn Spanish grammar so just log on and get started. It would be advisable to choose a site that first teaches you pronunciations with audio provided. You can build your vocabulary and then move on to the grammar.

This article covers some of the common mistakes that most people make with Spanish grammar, which will be helpful for you to know about and avoid.
When beginning to learn a new language you need to start with the basics and it is no different with the Spanish language. What you need to remember is that the Spanish language has its own grammar rules as compared to English and that every noun has a gender attached to it, and is either male or female. You will use 'el' for male and 'la' for female and it is important to know the genders because the Spanish sentence depends on the gender used. Correct noun gender usage is also important because the adjective will depend on it as well. This is something that will come with practice so don't let it bother you too much.

In Spanish, the use of quien to mean 'who' is wrong - the correct word is actually que. In English we have different words to denote that and who because we would say the 'bus that runs on diesel' and the 'child who runs to his mother'. However, in Spanish 'que' is usually used to denote both that and who; hence it is most often the safer choice. There are some exceptions where quien is used but that will come with time and a better understanding of the language.

In Spanish 'El' is the equivalent of 'the' in English. It is a definitive Spanish article and is usually associated with places. When a native wants to refer to a place like the building or market they say 'el edificio' or 'el mercado'. El used at the beginning of a sentence in Spanish is usually combined with an adjective to describe what you are referring to.

Guiones are hyphens in the Spanish language and are usually overly taxed by people who are learning the language for the first time. In English we tend to use the hyphen as a modifier when combining two words or when we write dates or other double digit numbers. In Spanish the hyphen is used when two nouns or adjective are combined to form a compound word.

Mistakes in speaking a new language are inevitable but you need to apply yourself judiciously to correct learn about the errors and correct them. Studying people's reactions to your spoken Spanish will tell you when you are making a mistake. Don't be afraid to ask for correction and write down your mistakes to be revised at a later time.
Good luck on your efforts to learn Spanish grammar!

For HOT tips you can use today to learn Spanish grammar [http://www.learnspanishcourse.info], go to my blog by clicking here [http://www.learnspanishcourse.info].
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Charles_Duncan

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