Best Ways to Learn French

There are many resources to learn French online. So many, it is easy to get lost and confused. To get the most out of your time, you should pick carefully. The checklist below should help you find the best solution for you. One that not only teaches you French but keeps it fun as well.
  • Is the site using audio and video? Right now, it would be a shame not to take advantage of theses simple technologies. How can you learn French if you can't hear the right pronunciation? Audio is great. Video is even better. With videos, you can get context and context will help you memorize quicker. You can also see the written text at the same time you hear the right pronunciation. That's gold.
  • Are you learning with real French natives? Many people are teaching French online today. But not many are real French natives. Why not learn with real French people (who also speak good English)? This way, you will learn the right way and naturally copy their accent. You're already going to have a slight accent when speaking French. Why make it worse with somebody else's accent? Also keep in mind that a French Canadian accent will be different from a Parisian accent. Some common expressions may be different as well. But you will be understood on both sides of the Atlantic.
  • Are the lessons offered complete and accurate? If you are being taught well, you should make quick progress and you will become frustrated if the lessons are too basic. There should be continuity in the lessons. Quality and quantity are both important. Learning to say "How are you?" and "My name is..." is great but far from enough to get you prepared for your next trip to France.
  • Is it in a lesson format or is it a social site? Social sites where you can meet and chat with French natives are great. And they have their limitations. How motivated are the other members to really teach you French? How much patience will they have with you if you are not able to have a basic conversation? Taking real lessons is the best way to start. Chatting with French people online will be much easier and beneficial once you master the essentials.
Learning French online has never been so easy. By doing a little research and comparison, you should be able to find the perfect fit for you. Once you have found a place to start, you can always expand with additional resources. You will eventually be able to test your new skills with real French people online. Your goal should of course be to test your skills in Paris France. There is nothing like the real thing.

Jack Palmer is a contributor to where you can learn French online with real French natives. The site is loaded with FREE video and audio lessons and some brand new weekly video lessons. Visit and start learning today.
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